Abstract | Čovjekovo putovanje i prijevoz prisutno je od samih početaka ljudske vrste jer je u čovjeku prisutan onaj element znatiželje, upoznavanja, istraživanja i čovjekovog razvoja. Stoga su svi povijesni razvoji vezani za prijevoz i vožnju. Od pojave prvog stroja, prevoznog sredstva pa sve do danas postignut je veliki razvoj. Ono s čim čovjek u samim počecima nije računao, a to je potrošnja energije i zagađenost, a o čemu u današnje vrije vodi sve više brigu. Tako se dolazi od motora na benzinski diesel pogon sve do hibridnih vozila, a što je počelo još u prošlom stoljeću. Povijesni razvoj hibridnih vozila počinje još davne 1840. godine i vezano je za ime Henri Pieper s poznatim „Auto-Mixte“ iz Herstala, Belgija, pa sve do danas kada Mercedes-Benz proizvodi autobuse na hibridni hidraulički pogon. Ovakav razvoj tijekom vremena čovjeka je potaknulo, s obzirom na to da ima veliki utjecaj na promjene u prirodi koje se manifestiraju kroz zagađenost koja potiće promjene klime i vremena, pa sve do utjecaja i na hranu. Kako bi se to smanjilo i kako bi se iskoristila veća postojeća energija radi se na patentoranju, implementaciji elektromotora u kombinaciji s elektromotorom, a u svrhu očuvanja prirode, manjim troškovima u budućnosti i iskorištavanju veće energije. Do pojave hibridnih sustava trošila se je veća energija i više se je zagađivao okoliš, te je bila i veća buka. Pojavom hibridnih hidrauličkih sustava sve je svedeno na minimum, a povećana je iskoristivost energije koja do tada nije bila u tolikoj mjeri korištena, već se dobar dio energije gubio. |
Abstract (english) | Man's journey and transportation has been present since the very beginning of the human spe-cies because the element of curiosity, acquaintance, research and human development is present in man. Therefore, all historical developments are related to transportation and driving. From the appearance of the first machine, a means of transport until today, great development has been achieved. What man did not take into account in the very beginnings, namely energy con-sumption and pollution, and about which he takes more and more care today. That's how you get from gasoline-diesel engines to hybrid vehicles, which started back in the last century. The historical development of hybrid vehicles begins as far back as 1840 and is linked to the name of Henri Pieper with the famous "Auto-Mixte" from Herstal, Belgium, until today when Mer-cedes-Benz produces buses with hybrid hydraulic drive. This kind of development over time has been encouraged by man, considering that it has a great influence on changes in nature that are manifested through pollution that encourages changes in climate and weather, up to the impact on food. In order to reduce this and to use more existing energy, we are working on patenting, the implementation of an electric motor in combination with an electric motor, and for the purpose of preserving nature, lower costs in the future and using more energy. Until the advent of hybrid systems, more energy was consumed and the environment was more polluted, and there was also more noise. With the appearance of hybrid hydraulic systems, everything was reduced to a minimum, and the use of energy increased, which until then was not used to such an extent, but a good part of the energy was wasted. |